Automatically block visitors to your website by country, state & city using IP geolocation technology. Use geo blocking to reduce spam and unwanted visitors to your website. Easy to set up with no coding required.
Block visitors from countries, states or cities that produce high spam traffic & behaviour.
Save time dealing with refunds for unwanted sales from countries you don't sell to.
Block unwanted competitors from other countries from viewing your site or products.
Use our intuitive dashboard to select locations & pages that need to be redirected
Copy a one-time install JavaScript snippet into your website header.
Geo Targetly will auto detect visitor location and redirect visitors accordingly.
- Dante A. (Director of web development)
Redirect visitors by their continent, country, state/region or primary city. Supports all locations worldwide.
Redirect visitors by their IP address or an entire IP range. Useful for targeting specific known visitors or companies.
Use latitude-longitude-radius to 'capture' an area surrounding a point. Minimum allowable radius is 50km.
Use inclusion & exclusion rules for easier targeting. E.g. redirect all visitors in US except those from California.
Country, state & city blocking
Radius blocking (min. 50 miles)
IP address blocking
Enterprise geo IP accuracy
Blocking analytics
Block unlimited domains
Unlimited blocking rules
Unlimited blocking locations
Use quota for other products
Integration support
Upgrade anytime
Downgrade anytime
Pay by invoice
Country, state & city blocking
Radius blocking (min. 50 miles)
IP address blocking
Enterprise geo IP accuracy
Blocking analytics
Block unlimited domains
Unlimited blocking rules
Unlimited blocking locations
Use quota for other products
Integration support
Upgrade anytime
Downgrade anytime
Pay by invoice
When your pageviews quota limit is exhausted, you will have 2 days to upgrade your account or 're-subscribe' to the same plan to start a fresh billing cycle before the service stops.
Email alerts will be sent when you quota drops below 50%, 25%, 10% and at 0%.
Yes there is no limit on the number of websites, domains, subdomains or pages you can use our Geo Block products on.
One account and subscription can be used to service multiple Geo Blocks. It can also be used to service multiple clients which is great if you are an agency.
With yearly quota plans, the entire year's worth of quota is provided up-front almost like a prepaid system. There are no monthly quota limits, hence there is less wastage when you have varying amounts of monthly traffic.
If a yearly quota plan runs out before a year, you can always 're-subscribe' to start a new billing cycle and get a fresh set of quota.
Yes you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel anytime by logging into our dashboard and selecting the plan that suits you. Upon selection, fresh billing cycle will be started.
Note that no refunds are provided and the quota does not roll over to the next billing cycle.
You can expect accuracies of 99% on a country level, 80-90% on a state/region/province level, 70-80% on a city level.
It is not possible to Geo Block locations within a city itself such as zip or postal codes. When using radius based targeting, we suggest a minimum radius of atleast 50 miles.
- Bullet proof scalable servers to handle your demand
A pageview is consumed for every page visit of your website that is running our Geo Block tracking script. Pageviews are consumed for every visit to your website regardless if the visitor is blocked or not.