Example of a one-way geo redirect setup where one domain is redirected to another. If you own the other domain, it is recommend to use a multi-domain redirect setup shown in the next section.
https://example.com --> https://example.co.uk (UK visitors)
https://example.com --> https://example.ca (Canadian visitors)
Example of a multi-domain geo redirect setup where each domain is redirected to the others. This is the ideal method to setup Geo Redirection when you own multiple domains. It helps search engine crawlers from different countries understand the region specific purpose of each site.
https://example.com --> https://example.co.uk (UK visitors)
https://example.com --> https://example.ca (Canadian visitors)
https://example.co.uk --> https://example.ca (Canadian visitors)
https://example.co.uk --> https://example.com (Outside UK and Canada)
https://example.ca --> https://example.co.uk (UK visitors)
https://example.ca --> https://example.com (Outside UK and Canada)
If your site has specific subfolders for each region, then you can make use of same-site geo redirection where each folder redirects to each other.
https://example.com --> https://example.com/uk (UK visitors)
https://example.com --> https://example.com/ca (Canadian visitors)
https://example.com/uk --> https://example.com/ca (Canadian visitors)
https://example.com/uk --> https://example.com (Outside UK and Canada)
https://example.com/ca --> https://example.com/uk (UK visitors)
https://example.com/ca --> https://example.com (Outside UK and Canada)
Use a popup type redirect instead of an automatic redirect. If you need to prompt visitors to 'switch' to a regional site, then the popup type redirect is perfect and can easily be enabled and customized in the Geo Redirect settings.
Often when using Geo Redirection between sites, you may need to allow your visitors to switch between sites. This is specifically true when your visitors are travelling. To allow site switching:
https://example.com --> https://example.com?lang=fr (FR visitors)
https://example.com --> https://example.com?lang=de (DE visitors)
Some website utilize query strings to inform the server that language change our country change is required. Often this only needs to be done on the first visit.
https://example.com* --> https://example.co.uk
Most often all pages of a site need to be geo redirected. Select this option to redirect all pages of your site including all subfolders. Note that subdomains won't be redirected as they are considered a different website.
https://example.com --> https://example.co.uk
https://example.com/products* --> https://example.co.uk/products*
https://example.com/collections* --> https://example.co.uk/collections*
In some cases, you may wish to redirect only selected pages of a site such as your product pages. Selecting this option will allow to to specify the pages to be redirected in the next step.
https://example.com/contact --> https://example.com/contact-uk*
If you only need to redirect a selected page of a site, use this option.
https://example.com/products* --> https://example.co.uk/shop*
https://example.com/collections* --> https://example.co.uk/catalog*
https://example.com* --> https://example.co.uk*
If you are redirecting all pages of a site and the site you are redirecting to has a different page URL structure. Use this feature to customize the 'from' and 'to' redirect rules.
In certain cases you may need to exclude selected pages from being redirect. For example you may want to exclude any blog pages from being redirected as the blog is common across all regional sites.
There are four types of page exclusions rules:
1. Page URL equals to
Exclude a page if the URL matches a specific value. For example adding https://www.acme.com/blog will exclude the page if the URL matches acme.com/blog. Note that the https and www is ignored. In this case only the page https://www.acme.com/blog will be excluded.
2. Page URL contains
Exclude a page if the URL contains a specific value. For example adding https://www.acme.com/blog will exclude the page if the URL contains acme.com/blog. Note that the https and www is ignored. In this case all pages containing acme.com/blog will be excluded. For example acme.com/blog/article-1 will be excluded as well.
3. Page query contains
Excludes page if URL query contains a value. For example using a value of utm_source=facebook will exclude the page from being redirected if the page URL looks like https://www.acme.com?utm_source=facebook
4. Page hash contains
Excludes page if hash contains a value. For example using a value of contact will exclude the page from being redirected if the page URL looks like https://www.acme.com#contact